Who is in control of your emotions?

Who is in control of your emotions?
Whoever or whatever controls your emotions controls you!

Click here to watch the video

Do you ever experience an emotion that is a reaction? Maybe it’s a news article, something that someone said, something you saw. And suddenly you feel - anger, sadness, frustration, overwhelm… or happiness, joy elation

While external circumstances control your emotions then someone or something is in control of how you feel, what you think, what you do and what you achieve.

What will happen when you flip the tables on this situation and YOU take control of how you feel? You no longer allow external circumstances to govern your emotions. You belong to you! You are “AT cause” ie you are the cause, the reason you feel certain ways, think certain thoughts, do certain things and achieve what you want to achieve.

Can you imagine the freedom and peace of mind you can experience?

Here are 3 tips to make the change -
1. Take responsibility. Where ever you find yourself, whatever circumstance you are in…say “IAM responsible.
This will shift your sense of ownership and control.
2. Be aware of how you are feeling. This is an indicator of what you are focused on. Maybe the emotion is like a geiger counter warning you to shift your focus.
3. Take action. Know what you want and commit to taking one step at a time to get there. Reverse engineering the goal may help you to determine what those small steps will be. As you accomplish the small steps your level of belief in yourself will grow. You will begin to believe in yourself more strongly and hence do more, be more, have more.

This is a part of the journey of Creating The Ideal Version of YOU for you to enjoy your best life.

Does this resonate with you?

Put I AM in the comments and we can arrange a chat to help you take the next small step to the ideal version of you.
You will also get a link to enter you PRIZE DRAW for my MindSet Breakthough Coaching program. 12 weeks, 1 on 1, coaching to help you Create Your Best Life
Drawn Friday 27th October 6pm Queensland time

3 Tips To Hit Your Life's Targets

3 Tips To Hit Your Life's Targets
Are you hitting the target for what you want in life?

Do you find yourself taking the shots but not hitting the mark?

What May be holding you back, keeping within your existing life is your self image, your self belief, your paradigm for life.

It’s not your fault. Although it’s your responsibility to make the changes once you are aware of the need to change.

From birth you were loaded up with programs for life by others who didn’t have an instruction manual for their own life.

If you aren’t happy with missing the target here are 3 tips for starting to make the change you desire
1. Know specifically what you want. Vivid, 3 dimensional, surround sound beauty of your ideal life hitting the target.
2. Intensify your desire to achieve your outcome. Calibrate what your desire is now. If it isn’t a 10/10, then review what can make it a 10. Your unconscious mind responds to emotion.
3. Commitment. Are you a 10/10. If you’re not then consider the rest of your life travelling on the road you are currently travelling on. Where does it lead to? What are the consequences of not changing?
What’s the cost - physically, emotionally, financially.
Is this what you want?

If this hit a chord with you and you feel like It’s time to change I invite you to see for yourself how you can make adjustments to your self Image.

DM me, like this post or comment ME and I’ll send you a my 33 minute Transformation video with 3 lessons to start your change.

Trick Your Unconscious Mind To Work For you

Trick Your Unconscious Mind To Work For you
You can redirect the focus of your unconscious mind.

Harness the power of your unconscious mind by flipping your self talk on its head.

Instead of asking your negative WHY questions 
eg  why am I so unlucky? why do I always miss out? why am I so stupid, fat, ugly etc etc etc

Ask yourself - Why do I always land on my feet in any situation? Why do I have a life so blessed and fortunate? Why do   I always succeed in whatever I do?

You get the idea?
Practice this and see what happens to your awarenesses and perceptions.

I'd love to hear your feedback. Send it to hello@waynedonnelly.com

Who else wants "Mindset Fitness"?

Who else wants "Mindset Fitness"?
Summer is coming . You spend time working on your body. What work do you do on your mindset?
Want to sharpen your mindset?

Put YES in the comments or DM me for 2 free 30 minute coaching sessions to get you started on your Mindset Fitness!

Mindset Coach and Hypnotherapist.0416 929 636

What are your patterns of behaviour?

What are your patterns of behaviour?
Do you realise you operate in patterns of behaviour?

Patterns conserve energy so we don’t have to think. Thinking uses a lot of energy.

Remember when you learnt to drive and you had to think about every single action in the process. I use to be tired after my initial lessons.

Even the process became habituated then i didn’t have to think about driving, I just did it.

Patterns can be quite helpful.

Some patterns are  are not so helpful. 

Drinking patterns. gambling patterns, learned helplessness patterns, self sabotage patterns and more

Once you can recognise patterns that do not support your goals you can then learn to break or interrupt them. This creates an opportunity to create new, empowering  patterns.

Comment NEW for a complimentary 40 minute Zoom session to start the process of pattern adjustment

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