Upgrading Life? Upgrade Your Self Image!
Self image… the picture that you hold of yourself. And while you hold onto this picture , like a death grip, it keeps you in that exact same place.

The key to change is being able to adjust your self image. Maybe not in a wholesale way, maybe but by bit… one aspect at a time. 

This is where  on mindset coaching and hypnotherapy intersect .

There may be one thing you want to change - like quitting a habit - smoking, drinking, gambling, cocaine, porn etc - maybe overcoming a fear, or developing confidence. This is where hypnotherapy can be a great intervention in changing your self image in this area.

But why stop there? With hypnotherapy and mindset coaching combined you can go for the  bigger picture and overhaul your life by following through with mindset change, accountability and action.

Ask yourself, what do you really want? It’s a big question that deserves more than a vague answer. Can you get to the specifics?
This is a powerful exercise, especially when you ask this next question…”who do I need to be that creates this life that I want?”

Can be confronting. Want to deal with this in a complimentary , 1 on 1 Self Discovery session?  DM me or put SELf in the comments.

Alternatively, join me in “how To Create Your Self Image for Success” free webclass Tuesday 13th Feb. 7pm Brisbane time. 
Put CLASS in the comments and I’ll send you the link
Have a wonderful Wednesday


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