Clear your monkey mind in 2 minutes!

Clear your monkey mind in 2 minutes!
Good morning and Happy Monday :)

Does your monkey mind get in the way?

You know, you’re trying to focus on sorting out a challenge or getting things done and that crazy self talk, worry, stress or concerns keep getting in the way.

To gain peace and obtain clarity it’s important to still the mind. When you do, that’s when you can have “flow”, allowing peace & clarity. Answers and insights can now bubble up more easily without any monkey chatter getting in the way.

Let me share a 2 min exercise with you.

If you’re driving or operating machinery then come back to this exercise. You do need to be able to close your eyes.

Practice will make this easier and quicker.
Let me know how you go.

#monkeymind #monkeychatter #peaceofmind #stressmanagement #anxietyawareness

Get Mind Fit!

Get Mind Fit!

If you’re following through on your a popular New Year’s resolutions then you may be starting to go to the gym you want to get fitter and stronger.

There is only one way to do it… regular exercise. 

Now you could go to a 24hr gym. No guidance, no program, no trainer.  You’re on your own. 

What will your results be like? 
Not as good as having a personal trainer working with you, customising a program and then following through to make sure you’re on track.

What about your mind? Do you have a personal trainer, customising a program and holding you accountable to achieve your goals? 

Brain training for mind fitness!

Want to train your brain for fitness of mind?

Put MIND in the comments or DM me for a Mind Fitness assessment.

Good news! Your mind is plastic!

Good news! Your mind is plastic!

Your mind is plastic! 
Why is it good news? Because it means that YOU can change your life when you change your mind.

From birth, you are learning and embedding thought patterns which will dictate your behavior and achievements in life. 
Everything from the way you walk, talk, communicate to the opposite sex, and so much more. The first 7 years begins your imprint period. The process continues…slows down a bit as you develop your critical conscious factor until your identity seems fixed. 

BUT... it isn’t fixed. 

You can change. This is the concept of Neuro-plasticity. The way you think can be changed. Best that you control your mind rather than others. Who are the others? Just about everything around you is impacting you - education, politics, religion, mainstream and social media, groups you belong to etc

Your patterns of behaviour can be reshaped and rewired . When they do change, your whole life can change.The good news is that you can change!

You would have experienced this type of change accidentally - sudden emotional events changing your beliefs - divorce, redundancy, losses etc

And there are good changes to - falling in love, sudden promotion, serendipitous events

Better still, decide to make a change and find someone who can help you make a neurological shift - someone who can see outside your own blinkers of limiting beliefs.

Sound like a good idea? Feels right? 

See how this can work for you DM me to have a complimentary, confidential, 1 on 1, 30 minute coaching session to explore this for you.

Have a Fantastic Friday!

#neurosciences #neuroplasticity #personalchange #mindsetmatters #mindsetcoach 

It Is Impossible To Outperform Your Self Image

It Is Impossible To Outperform Your Self Image

“It is impossible to outperform your self image”

You’ve maybe set your goals and made NY resolutions. 

And you’re excited about the prospect of a spectacular 2024.

Unless you upgrade your self image, your belief about yourself then no matter what action you take , your unconscious mind will keep you where you really believe you belong.

First place to work on is your Inner Game. Does this resonate with you? Have you seen this happen before? 

Want to explore what’s involved in upgrading your self image? 

Put UPGRADE in the comments for a complimentary, 1 on 1, 30 minute “Explore Your Self Image “ coaching discussion

Or email me

Are you a Man Committed To Making 2024 Awesome?

Are you a Man Committed To Making 2024 Awesome?
Are you a man that is looking back on 2023 and wanting to make 2024 different.
Maybe you look back and are frustrated that you didn't kick the goals 🎯you wanted to want to do better in the coming year. 

Or maybe you achieved your goals and have bigger goals for 2024.

Either way, are you committed to making a difference?

Do you want to overcome whatever got in the way?

For men wanting more in 2024 than you did in 2023, there is help out there.

To share my own goal for 2024, I want to make a difference in the lives of 1,000 men. 

The foundation for this is based on my own journey. There was a man who helped me in 2005 when life was pretty bleak and I didnt want to be here anymore. He is a good friend and still a mentor, even though in his 80's. And he is still active in helping people, seeing 7 to 10 clients a week, plus doing clinical supervision of other therapists, plus speaking and teaching. A great role model.

He turned my life around. Reprogrammed me, recoded me, transformed my thinking to embrace life.

There were times in life where I could have done with someone reaching out to mentor or assist me. When I was 18 or 19 and didn't have a clear direction it would have made a huge difference to me...and again after I went through divorce I was a bit lost. Divorce being such a huge disruption in life. And for a while I went off the rails.

He brought me back on track with the work he did.

So the changes made to my internal operating system were significant.

When "my future was freed up fo new opportunities" in December 2008 I got a coach to help me set the new path for my life. My mission became to help others the way I had been helped.

To make a change you need to make a change. Maybe its a change in commitment, discipline, accountability, desire for your goal.

Doing something different to achieve different results. 

Repetition is the mother of skill. Better still "perfect practice makes perfect".

There are a lot of offerings out there for personal growth coaching etc...they may go for a few days, a few weeks or months even...then you might ask yourself (as I have) "What's next? How do I keep this experience going and growing?"

SO I thought, and this is only for the guys, I'd create a program to go the distance in creating change - 52 weeks of getting together online to coach. mentor, discuss, facilitate YOU achieving your 2024 dreams and goals.

The VALUE to you is WHO you become and WHAT You achieve, isn't it?

Its NOT a Wham, Bham, thank you ma'am experience. This will be dedicated to you, who is dedicated to your goals.
Initially, this is for 10 men, starting 10th January 2024.  

What is your goal for 2024?
Imagine what your life will be like when you have achieved this goal?
Who will you have become? What great things have you achieved?

Compare this to what you have done so far. The gap is the VALUE  that you will be creating for yourself and your loved ones.

If you are interested in this concept of what I can give you to help you on your path for 2024, either DM me or put YES in the comments. 

Let's have a chat about getting the ball rolling.

You can either repeat 2024 like a weird groundhog day or you can decide to make a change and a huge difference to your life.

It's up to you.

I look forward to speaking with you soon.In the meantime...have a Merry Christmas

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