Know What You Stand For!

Know What You Stand For!
What do you stand for?

This is a big part of Creating Your Best Life. If you do not have your values supporting you then you are unlikely to achieve your best life.

There is a saying that "if you don't know what you stand for you will fall for anything".

So, what's your stand? What's your position in life?

There will be times in life where you will be challenged. Is "your stand" so deeply embedded into your identity that you have the resilience to withstand the unexpected challenges from life?

If you'd like to strengthen your stand, your position, your resilience and purpose then DM me to see how you can do that in a complimentary, 1 on 1, 30 minute chat.

#purpose #purposedrivenlife #purposedrivenleadership #personalstand #resilience #resiliencecoach

WHat is your best life?

WHat is your best life?
What is your best life? Are you living it?

How would you write it down in a way that when I read your description I knew whether or not you were living your best life?

The game begins inside your unconscious mind with your beliefs, values, attitudes and programs.

THese are expressed in your behaviour which takes you to your achievements ie your best life.

Do you get a sense of this in your life? Can you see where you are creating your best life and how this could work for you? Does your self talk support you?

Say YES in the comments to join me in tonight's webclass 

Say NO to the Voice - Silence The Inner Critic

Say NO to the Voice - Silence The Inner Critic
Your inner critic can be a self destructive, self sabotaging sound that hold you back and suck the life out of you. It tells you that you can’t do those things that you dream about doing.
If you’re interested in learning how to silence the inner critic, please message me or put Yes in the comments and I'll send you the link for the webclass on making this change on Tuesday night 5th September.

#innercritic  #impostersyndrome #selftalkmatters #selftalk #positiveselfimage #bestself 

How To Make Your Day Magnificent

How To Make Your Day Magnificent
Setting up for a better day begins in your mind. 

1. Thoughts - as you wake up, choose a powerful & positive thoughts
2. Feelings - imagine feeling like you are "in the zone" for a great day
3. Actions - let your feelings guide you into positive actions.
4. Results - start at the end. Imagine having already achieved the result. Operate from this place.

This is super powerful to have a great day or a bad day. 
Your choice.Have a magnificent Monday :)

If this concept interests you then message and we can chat about how to shift your focus & your life!

How To Manage Your State Of Mind

How To Manage Your State Of Mind
Today I chose “Managing Your State” as the topic for discussion. Only to be challenged to “Manage My State”

Universe has a sense of humour!

Laughter is a great way to assist you change your state of mind. Creates a great reframing of your emotions.

Managing your state is an important skill to enjoy life more.

Say YES in the comments if you want to learn more.

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